Monday, September 24, 2012

Hearing & Doing

This weeks Bible study was on the remainder of James 1, were he talks about hearing the word, receiving the word and then doing it.

In verse 19 he commands us to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.  This is in direct conflict with how our earthly bodies.  We want to do the exact opposite.  We want to have the first and last word and if we don't get our way, we're upset.

I explained that listening was learned.  Everybody who has ears and isn't deaf can hear, but if you want to learn to listen, it takes practice.  First off, you can't possibly listen if your talking.  So, when your in a conversation that may not be going your way, instead of thinking of the next thing to say, actually listen to what is being said.

Not all anger is sinful.  Jesus was angry that they were defiling the temple to buy and sells goods, but He did not sin.  the difference is when we allow sin to control our emotions.  Anger is sinful when it leads us to lose control.  Look and Abel & Cain, sin manifested in Cain when he grew angry thinking that God favored Abel over him.  This lead to Cain becoming the first murderer.

James goes on to say that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God requires so we should put away all filthiness and wickedness.  Another way to say it would be vulgarity, vile of dirty.  We must put away these things so that we can receive with meekness and humbleness the implanted word of God.  Again, something that is directly against our earthly bodies.  Meekness, gentleness is the exact opposite of harsh and angry.

Along with this knowledge, we must then become doers of the Word.  James says be the person that looks in the mirror and sees what he wants to be and then makes the change.  By looking into the perfect law, the law of liberty, the Word of God, we can do this.


Heading into the bye week, the varsity team was 0-3.  It wasn't because they didn't play well or because they aren't that good.  It all comes down to playing as a team, each person knowing what their individual roes are and executing them.

Every chance I get, I tell these young men how valuable they are in God's eyes.  I tell them to go out and play with the enthusiasm and joy that God made them for and show God how they use their talents and treasures.

Each week, I see the varsity team coming together more and more...

Last Friday, the varsity came together for their coming out party with a win over Bullard.  Playing more and more like the team that they want to be.  

I get so inspired by the calling God as lead me to and by watching these young men grow each and every week.  Just when I think God is at His limit, He reveals that He is so much more Awesome than I'll ever know.

I invited some of the guys to join me at church, not thinking that they would, but some did.  

After the last game, I had a mom come up to me and tell me she was talking with some of the other moms and they were inspired to start a Wednesday night prayer meeting.  She said they were going to get together and pray for the team.

This team will amaze many, not only by what happens on the field.

You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts towards us; none can compare with You!! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told - Psalm 40:5

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Trials & Temptation

Last week, the entire football program took a road trip to Encino to meet up with Crespi Carmelite.  Needless to say, the outcome wasn't pretty.  All three teams were saddled with a loss that day.

Before the varsity game started, I asked some of the players if they were ready for the game and they said they were a little worried.  I told them not to be worried but to trust in the abilities God gave them and be sure.

Fast forward to next week...

Before the Bible study, I knew that one of the topics was going to be worry.  I received a phone call and a suggestion that we spend the next 5+ weeks going through the book of James.

Last year, a pastor friend of mine gave me a box of new testaments.  I had planned on giving them out to the players, but then received FCA Bibles instead, so they have just been sitting in the trunk of my car.  Now I had a purpose for them.

Right off the bat in James 1:2 it says "Count it as joy, my brothers, when you meet trials..."  You will meet trials.

Guaranteed.  I told them they could have trials dealing with school work, homework, family, anything.

I could see they were listening, because the room was silent and they were all looking at me kinda stunned.

I continued..."testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:3-4

Football is an excellent example.  You practice all week long, lifting weights, getting stronger, putting on pads, hitting each other, tackling, until the game arrives.  Then during the game, you do the same thing, only with more intensity.  After its over, and your physically and emotionally exhausted, you are better because now you can learn from your mistakes.  They endure the pain of practice and games to be better more complete players.

Next, in James, he tells you how to "survive" the trials...

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God...But let him ask in faith, with no doubting.." James 1:5 & 6.

We have to pray for wisdom to help overcome the trials.  If our heart and mind are divided, the trials will tear us apart.  The cure for this is a whole-hearted commitment to God.  I told them true wealth is found in a persons spiritual life.


I said it is very important to understand the difference between a trial and being tempted.  God tests you with trials to strengthen you not tempt you with sin to destroy you.

"Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one" James 1:13

There is no sin in God.  Romans 6:23 "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord."

I told them it was a choice.  They have the choice to follow Jesus, the choice to sin or not sin, the choice to worry or put their hope in Jesus.  I explained in closing about how if they fully relied on God, the amount of worry would be minimized.  For the simple fact, they wouldn't have time to worry because they were focusing on Jesus.