Coach Campbell called me on Tuesday and asked if I would like to ride up on the bus with the team...(pause for effect)...I said ok. On the ride up there, I was able to "hang out" with some of the players on the team.
Once we got there, we unloaded, they got there uniforms on, did warm-ups, and then we got to pray. It is becoming routine, just like God wanted.
The game score didn't turn out in our favor for either the JV or the Varsity, but I'm sure God was excited and pleased by the way our young men handled themselves. They were constantly picking each other up, saying encouraging words and never quitting.
In short, they played with integrity...
I also have been hanging out at practice on Wednesday nights. I have been going to practice, talking with the guys. I ask them about their lives, how school is going, how they are holding up physically, stuff like that.
Last night at practice, Coach Parsons announced that I would be having a bible study tomorrow in his room at lunch. I listened as he said four different times that coming to the bible study was completely voluntary.
He even had the team repeat it back to him.
This morning, I was once again starting to doubt if anybody was going to show up. I mean, these are Seniors, they can do what they want...
25 guys showed up...most of them Seniors.
This journey God has me on is so incredibly huge that at times I'm speechless. I feel honored God would want to use me this way.
During the Bible Study, I started with the war cry and what they really were saying and tied it into Jesus dying for our sins. I think I will do another entry on breaking down the war cry.
We ended in prayer, and then every single player in the room took turns shaking my hand and thanking me for coming.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my way higher than your ways and my thoughts then your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
Thanks for the update, praying for you all!