Friday, August 17, 2012


"Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another" - Proverbs 27:17

Blacksmiths used to make swords by taking steel and iron, heating it up and then pounding it into place.  They would pound and work the sword until it was just the right shape.  It was a pain staking process, but a process done with caring for what the finished product would be.

The correlation between sword making and team building on the football field is dramatically similar.  Young men go out each and every day, strap on pads and ram into each other trying to make themselves better.  They run 40's, do up-downs, lift weights...all to make themselves in better shape.  But something more has to happen if these young men want to be a team.

They need to strengthen each other.

Yesterday started the 2012 football season with a home scrimmage against Hanford.  the Freshmen and JV ran plays at the same time while the Varsity played 3 quarters of football.

Once again, I had the immeasurable pleasure of praying with all of the young men before yesterday's scrimmage.  God brought to mind the Proverbs 27:17 verse and I shared a little with them.

I tried to explain how not only is it acceptable to pick your teammate up when he's down, it's required.  Spurring each on and remind them of how great they are together...well that's a team.

Individuals are born but teams are formed.

The art of leading seems to be hard to find these days and I have been reminding key players at all levels of this fact.  It's kinda scary to lead because then people can point at you when you fail, but without leaders and accountability, there isn't a team.  God told us it takes accountability for us to get better.  When your on the field and you make a mistake, you feel bad and your teammates pick you up.  True accountability happens teammates accept nothing less than 100% effort.

I'm so looking forward to expanding on this topic in our first Bible study.  I'm grateful of this calling and this ministry.  Thank you God for this awesome responsibility.

As a side note, I've gotten some donations and printed some pretty sweet shirts.

My goal is to be able to give a shirt to everybody that attends the Bible study and all of the coaches as well.  So far I was able to purchase 50 shirts and I'm praying for more donations and more kids to give them to.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"
2 Timothy 4:7

1 comment:

  1. Love the shirts would be great to see all the boys wearing one. Fred keep up the great job touching the lifes of our student/athletes.
