Friday, August 14, 2015

Break Tradition

Break Tradition...

Colossians 2:8 - See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles  of the world, rather than according to Christ.

Coach P has invoked the motto for this year at Clovis West Football, and it's a good one.  Colossians 2:8 tells us to see to it that no one takes us captive through empty deception.  In layman's terms, do not let the traditions of man, of this world, move you, but rather follow Christ and allow Him to move in you.

The football team is trying to break some traditions of their own.

Traditions are every where, they sort of rule out lives.  Whether you want to call them trraditions or not, we have our "set" ways we go about life.

Jesus doesn't want us to get caught up in the ways of the world but rather break free of that and center our focus on Him.  The world is always changing and always morphing into the next big thing.  Jesus is the same as He was yesterday and will be the same tomorrow.

Seek Jesus on a regular basis and break tradition.

So, now you might be asking, how do I do that?

Simple, read your Bible and ask Him to be a part of your every day life.

God placed this verse on me after Coach P told me the motto.  I think it is especially relevant for the young men involved in CW Football.  Over the next semester, I will be explaining to them the importance of placing God first and foremost in every part of their lives.  Both the good and bad, the clean and messy.  That they shouldn't be bogged down with the way "society" says they should be but rather search for God in all things they do.

Recently, when I was at church, I felt God speak to me.  If you can't feel Him speak to you I suggest praying (talking to Him) and reading your Bible (learning about Him) more.

He gave me an acronym for this season.  I wrote it down on a piece of paper and it is currently not available, but rest assured, the next post will have it.

The acronym is.....HIT 'EM

In closing, please help me by praying for these young men.  They need prayer and guidance to help  them through this year/

I'm unsure about how many games I'm going to be at this year because of a new employment opportunity, but it won't stop me from praying for these young men every day.


Mr Mac

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